Degree Works

DEGREE WORKS 基于网络的学位审核是为了帮助学生和指导员工吗 监督学生完成学位的学业进度.
It can be used as a checklist to plan and track your progress.  The degree audit does 它不是代替学术建议,而是帮助确定课程选择的补充 and confirm graduation requirements.

How do I access Degree Works?

登录您的T-BirdWeb门户,选择自助服务横幅9,并在您的学生下 Services tab select Degree Works. 确保在你的网络浏览器中关闭弹出窗口拦截器,或者尝试其他的 web browser. 如果您仍然无法访问学位作品,请联系十大正规网赌软件帮助台.

How is this degree audit different from a transcript?

The Degree Works audit is an unofficial document. It is a tool that provides academic 与你的学位进度相关的信息,可以帮助你计划你的学业计划.  Your degree audit is not your official academic transcript.

Can I register for classes in Degree Works?

No. 学位作品是正在进行的课程,计划和学术历史的快照. 注册将继续通过学生服务处第9条办理.

Who has access to Degree Works?

Degree Works is available to all freshman and transfer students. Advisors, faculty, 选定的员工也可以访问,以支持您的进步 through your academic career.


Degree Works FAQ's

Click on each question to open and close it.


There could be several reasons. One is that Degree Works may not have refreshed since a change was made (the information is refreshed nightly).

其次,可能还有一些文书工作需要完成. For example, 如果你已经完成了转学课程,大学也有可能没有 收到正式成绩单或课程作业正在等待部门审查. 如果您的成绩单或审计需要,请咨询学术顾问和/或十大正规网赌软件帮助台 not reflect transfer work you have completed.

你应该与你的学术顾问见面,澄清错误,并检查你的程序 requirements and completed coursework listed on your degree audit. Your academic advisor 会作出任何必要的更正,可能会与注册主任协商 Office.

There are multiple reasons for this.

你要么是一个没有学位的学生,在这种情况下,你没有专业 therefore no degree plan can be made available for you.

OR your degree catalog term is older than 2019. You will need to speak with an advisor about your major and find out if you need to be updated.

如果您对您的学生记录,课程作业或学位作品有任何疑问 program, contact 十大正规网赌软件 Help Desk.
如果课程豁免或替代得到院长的批准,他们将记录例外情况. 完成的课程将满足要求,并会出现额外的说明 on the audit that explains why the exception was allowed.
Yes. 一旦正式文件被测试中心收到并处理, 注册办公室将把信用记录发布到您的记录中,并将出现在您的 degree audit.

Electives: Courses that are counting as additional electives toward your degree. Courses here are above the minimum requirements of your specific program.

Not Counted: Coursework that do not apply toward earning your degree.

Insufficient: Courses that do not qualify for meeting degree requirements. Either because of insufficient grade or they are transitional courses.

In-Progress当前正在学习的课程或学生已预先注册的课程列表 for. 在整个审核过程中,这些课程也将在其他模块(部分)中列出.

如果你没有正式宣布你的专业,它将不会出现在你的 degree audit. You can fill out a major change form to declare your concentration/major. 

如果你已经正式宣布了你的专业/专业,但仍然没有出现 correctly, contact the 十大正规网赌软件 Help Desk.

Yes. 一旦成绩在学期结束时被处理,他们是可见的 in Degree Works following the nightly refresh.

成绩可以在画布中查看,但最终成绩是由教师发布的 直到最后评分期结束后,学位课程才可用. In-progress courses are listed in Degree Works with a grade of “IP".

Yes. 单击审计中所需的课程,将打开目录的一部分 课程描述、学分、先决条件和共同要求(如果有的话) are required). Hovering over the course will display the title and credits of the course. Any class with a clipboard check mark ( Pre-requisite) has a prerequisite.
Not necessarily. 如果你已经申请毕业,注册办公室将执行 在期末加/减课之前,对你的课程作业进行初步审核 学期和期末审核后,所有最终成绩已提交确定 if you are eligible to graduate. Missing requirements will be communicated to you via your 十大正规网赌软件 email.
The top of the degree block displays your overall GPA.


The What-If function allows you to explore different majors. The What-If audit will 告诉你不同的专业需要哪些课程,你有哪些课程 满足了这些新要求,还有什么课程可以选择呢 you to take.
Always speak with your advisor first. After consulting with your advisor, you may 使用更改专业链接更改您的学术课程 Student Records webpage.

Follow these steps to view how courses count in a different major:

1.      选择位于学生标题和进度之间的What-If链接 indicator gages
2.      Select the program(s) you are considering
3.      If applicable, you will need to select a concentration
4.      If desired, you can add future courses you are considering
5.      Select Process What-If
6.      回顾一下你现有的和未来的课程将如何应用于这个新专业
7.      Discuss this new major with your academic advisor
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Student Planner

学生教育计划(SEP)是您安排课程要求的工具 into future semester blocks. You and your advisor may find this helpful as you forecast your academic career. 你可以制定一个积极的计划,并保持更新,就像大学一样 管理员可以使用这些信息来确定对各种课程的需求 each term.

通过分屏,Planner允许您从审核中拖放课程 into future semester blocks. You can also type courses directly into the planner boxes. You must enter the course as it is labeled in the catalog (e.g., EN 1110, not English 1110).
不,规划师只适用于未来的课程,而不是你已经完成的课程 or in which you’re currently enrolled. You can use the Planner to map out as much or as little of your degree plan as you’d like.
Yes. However, only one plan is kept as active. You should mark the plan that you expect to follow as your active plan. As this information may be used by university administrators to determine the demand for various courses each term.
That’s supposed to happen. Your audit shows you the courses you have already completed or are registered in. Your planned courses will only appear when you are in the Planner 在使用“Process New”生成工作表后,在Degree Works部分进行操作。 button.
Yes. 您的计划可以保存,顾问可以看到您的计划并参与其中 you in the planning process. There is a Notes feature, as well, for you and your advisor to keep additional information. Your advisor may choose to lock your plan after discussing it with you. 一旦你的计划被锁定,你需要回到你的导师那里 make any additional changes.
No. Your planner is for planning purposes only. You will continue to register through the T-BirdWeb Portal, on your Student Self-Service Banner 9.
No. Your planner is for planning purposes only. Final course schedules are available to students online shortly before registration. If you discover that a course you 如果计划没有提供,你应该确定一个替代课程和移动 the original course, if still needed, to a future term.


Help Desk
(575) 492-2577

Joseph Flotte

(575) 492-2573
Wendy DeLeon
Associate Registrar
(575) 492-2578

Elizabeth Aranda

Registrar Assistant
(575) 492-2572

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